26 Desember 2011



7 Desember 2011

A.  Background
Any discussion of the relationship between language and society, or of the various functions of language in society, should begin with some attempt to define each of these terms. A society is any group of people who are drawn together for a certain purpose or purposes. Society becomes a very comprehensive view is because of the very different kinds of societies we must consider in the course of the various discussion that follow.  We may attempt an equally comprehensive definition of language; a language is what the member of particular society speaks. Speech in almost any society can take many very different forms, and just what forms we should choose to discuss when we attempt to describe the language of society may prove to be contentious matter. Sometime, a society may be plurilingual; that is, many speakers may use more than one language, however we define language. We should also note our definitions of language and society are not independent; the definition of language includes in it reference to society.
When two or more people communicate with each other in speech, we can call the system of communication that they employ a code. In most cases that code will be something we may also want to call a language. We should also note that two speakers who are bilingual, that is, who have access to two codes, and who for one reason or another shift back and forth between the two language as the converse by code-switching are actually using a third code, one which draws on those two language. The system (or the grammar, to use a well-known technical term) is something that each speaker ‘knows’, but two very important issues for linguistic are just what that knowledge of and how it may best be characterized.
The sociolinguistics of society is about the social importance of language to groups of people, from small sociocultural groups of a few hundred people to entire nations. If everyone in the group spoke exactly the same as everyone else in the group, there would be no such thing as the sociolinguistics of society. Not only do people use language to share their thoughts and feelings with other people, they exploit the subtle and not so subtle aspects of language to reveal and define their social relationship with the people they are talking to, with people who can overhear them, and even with people who are nowhere around.
B.  Problem Statement
In order to describe THE HISTORY OF SOCIOLINGUISTICS AND THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN SOCIOLINGUISTICS AND OTHER RELATED DICIPLINES, the writer limits the discussion into problems as formulated as follows:
1)      .History of Sociolinguistic especially in the journey of Charles A. Ferguson and Joshua Fishman as the founding-father of Sociolinguistic.
2)      The relationship between sociolinguistics with linguistic, Sociology, Pragmatic, Anthropology, and Psychology.

1.    History of Sociolinguistic
There are six of the founding father of sociolinguistic; William Labov, who pioneered a school devoted to showing the relevance of social determinants of variation for linguistic theory; Basil Bernstein, the British sociologist whose work on class-related ‘codes’ led to a brief flirtation with American sociolinguists; Dell Hymes, whose adaptation of Roman Jakobson’s theory of communication shaped the ethnography of communication and educational linguistics and who molded sociolinguistics by editing several pioneering volumes and the flagship journal Language in Society; John Gumperz, founder of interactional sociolinguistics; and Charles Ferguson and Joshua Fishman. All participated in the many conferences and publications which fashioned sociolinguistics in those years, and each continued to publish for the next 30 years, expanding their own interpretations of the field.
Fishman first taught a course called ‘Sociology of Language’ at the University of Pennsylvania in 1956 and continued to teach it at Yeshiva University. The term ‘sociolinguistics’ was first used by Currie and picked up by Weinreich and in articles in Word which Weinreich edited. The classic paper on diglossia appeared there. At the 1962 LSA Linguistic Institute, Ferguson taught a course with the simple title ‘Sociolinguistics’ and repeated it the following summer and in the 1965 academic year at Georgetown University. In 1964, Fishman had just completed his pioneering study of language loyalty in the USA. Labov had published his Martha’s Vineyard study and was completing the New York dissertation that continues to encourage study of socially-explainable language variation. Gumperz and Hymes were editing the papers from the 1963 American Association of Anthropology meeting, which remains a foundation text. Even without the seminar, research and publication in the field were by then well underway. Bloomington 1964 was a milestone rather than a starting point, but a significant one.
In his introduction to the festschrift for Ferguson’s 65th birthday, Fishman recalls his first contact with Ferguson: ‘It took almost a month for Charles Ferguson and me to realize that we were living next door to each other during the Summer Linguistic Institute of 1964 at Indiana University.’ They had communicated briefly before that; during the summer, both in the seminar that Ferguson chaired ‘primus inter pares’, and with Fishman taking Ferguson’s course, they became ‘neighbors, colleagues, students (each acknowledging the other as teacher) and close friends, roles we have enacted, either repeatedly or continuously …’ In May 1963, Fishman was not on the original list of scholars to be invited to Bloomington, which included Gumperz, Haugen, Immanuel
Wallerstein or Paul Friedrich, Steven E. Deutsch and Dell Hymes. In December, William Labov and William Stewart,both about to finish their degrees, were added; a month later, Fishman was also invited (as were Heinz Kloss and Basil Bernstein, all three considered sociologists rather than linguists). Fishman had not been sure that he would be included – his only relevant publication was an article on the Whorfian hypothesis, although he had earlier published articles on Yiddish bilingualism, pluralism and minorities, and was just finishing his first major which was to set the path for the host of studies of minority language maintenance and loss that now dominate the sociolinguistic research field. He later recalled that he was at Stanford rewriting Fishman when he first heard about the 1964 seminar and was encouraged to apply by Einar Haugen, also a fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences. He phoned Ferguson whose article on diglossia he knew; Ferguson ‘seemed a little cool on the phone’ but accepted the application. Ferguson quickly came to appreciate Fishman’s potential contribution: in a letter written in 1965 trying unsuccessfully to persuade Fishman to stay on the Committee of Sociolinguistics, he wrote, ‘Of all the members, you are most probably the only one whose primary interest is in the field of sociolinguistics, and your publications in the field have been the most extensive. You are concerned with both “macro” and “micro” and with relating the two’
Fishman did not know what the seminar was going to be like, but he was willing to put up with a hot uncomfortable summer in Bloomington in order to be with ‘a community of like-minded scholars’. When the seminar began, Fishman found the sociologists – including himself, ‘a refurbished social psychologist’ as he noted – to be in a weak position because they did not know each other and did not have strong interests in common. Only Fishman, Kloss and Lieberson had published or were ready to publish about language. The anthropologists and linguists had met before, most recently at the 1963 AAA meeting and at the May UCLA meeting. There was a major gap between the two groups and, partly because of that, Fishman returned to his earlier preference for calling the field the sociology of language. He complained that social problems were not emphasized in Bloomington, and that only annoyance greeted his reference to ‘the fact that people were willing to kill and be killed for their beloved language was being completely overlooked”. At Bloomington and after, a close personal and academic relationship quickly developed between Ferguson and Fishman. Fishman’s statement about their friendship has been cited: Ferguson respected not just Fishman’s extensive empirical studies but his potential for theory-building:

I tend to be pessimistic about formulating a basic theory of sociolinguistics; possibly I am unduly pessimistic. I would think that if Fishman put his mind to it, he could probably come up with a kind of theory. Of course, it would tend to focus on macro sociolinguistics (sociology of language), like the books he has written on ethnicity and nationalism and so forth …

For Fishman, Ferguson remained his main teacher of linguistics. While their research paths diverged, with Ferguson firmly on the linguistic and Fishman firmly on the sociological side, their early conversations and continuing association had a major influence on the growth and shape of the field.

2.    The Relation of Sociolinguistic with other Discipline
A.       Sociolinguistics with Linguistics
Sociolinguistics is a science that examines the linked by a factor of sociology. Thus, the sociolinguistic not leave linguistics. What is studied in linguistics (the science that examines language as a phenomenon independent) provide a basis for sociolinguistic to show different uses of language associated with social factors. What is assessed in linguistics, covering what is studied De Saussure, the Bloomfieldien (Bloomfield, Charles Fries, and Hocket) and the Neo Bloomfieldien with deep structure and surface, is seen by sociolinguist as a form of primary language when it is associated with the user and the use of language will changes and differences. The study of phonology, morphology, structure sentence, and lexical semantics in linguistics to be used by sociolinguistic reveal the structure of the language used by each group according to said with the context. Therefore, it is not possible to assess a sociolinguist language with no linguistic knowledge based on pure. Sociolinguistic study of language shape diverse as influenced by factors outside of language (social), thus the meaning of an utterance is also determined by factors outside of language. To be able to reveal the form and meaning language is indispensable knowledge on purely linguistic (language structure), study conducted in order not to leave the object language itself.

B.       Sociolinguistic with Sociology
Sociolinguistic view of language as a basis of assessment (see back the relationship between sociolinguistic and linguistic) and looked at the social structure as a determinant variable. Both are seen as gegenseitige gegenseitige einbettung and determination, and the relationship between the two determined by the requirements of humans, the organization of the human mind (in the form external argument), as well as the intrinsic demands of a field of systematic, robust, and effective.
What is contained in sociology, a form of social facts is transferred into the sociolinguistic, so comes the belief that language-related with social strata. Nevertheless, the relationship between sociolinguistic and sociology actually are reciprocal (symbiosis mutualism). The relationship of sociology - sociolinguistic
(1) Advancement of sociological theory such as political groups, mass mobilization, interference between groups used in the sociolinguistic
(2) The methodology in sociology such as questionnaires, interviews, participant observation used also as a method in sociolinguistics;
(3) The terms of sociology as function, Role, and social dimension also used in sociolinguistics;
(4) Social facts in sociology who transferred into the sociolinguistic includes the transfer of functions of language as a whole and to structure of language itself With attention to these social facts, sociolinguistic also consider language situation, who is speaking, where, and so on, because how sociolinguistic also arise because of the help of sociology. Sociolinguistic relations - sociology
(1) sociolinguistic data that give the characteristics of social life, becomes barometer for sociology;
(2) Aspects of language attitudes influence the material and spiritual culture of a community;
(3) The language studied in sociolinguistics is the primary means of developing the sociology. In other words, sociolinguistic sociology assists in classifying the strata social, as demonstrated by Labov in his research on speech [r] in American society in different social levels.

C.       Sociolinguistic with Pragmatic
Pragmatics is the language of science which studies the purpose and effect language associated with the context, or the use of language that are tailored with the subject, purpose, participants, venues and facilities. As sociolinguistics, pragmatics also assumes that the language (speech) is not monotype. Pragmatic view of language as a communication tool whose existence (Both form and meaning) is determined by the speakers and determined and diversity is determined by topic, place, means, and time. These facts utilized by sociolinguistic to explain the varieties of the language or variety of language. Strongly emphasizes pragmatic aspects of communication purposes, such as put forward by Searle in the act he said. Language will be different because existence of different purposes. These things were used by the sociolinguistic stresses due to variations in language (based on) the function of these languages. The pragmatic use of language is also strongly consider the factors interlocutors, namely those involved in the process of communicating and interact. Therefore, the code (to borrow a term sociolinguistic) used were different. In sociolinguistics, aspects of the interlocutors is developed further with social factors or social dialects such as socioeconomic level, the level of education, age, gender, social relations, and so on.
If the narrative "3 X 4 how much? "Will have a different meaning and answers. Pragmatic view, the difference was due to the factors, objectives, and speakers. Sociolinguistic look at it registers. However, both require "Common knowledge" or common ground to come to an understanding.

D.       Sociolinguistic relations and Anthropology
Anthropology is the study of man, especially about the origin, physical shapes of different colors, customs, and beliefs in the past. Anthropological view that the cultural aspects of language contained. With Thus if there are similarities in the language means having close cultural kinship. It also means, in common language in common mark culture, and language used in the process of cultural formation as a mantra, rhymes reverberate, debate, deliberation, and traditional ceremonies. Anthropology discuss language broadly to describe aspects of culture. Sociolinguistic trying to take advantage of the classification society through cultural anthropology and do see it as a factor influencers language. Sociolinguistic re trying to test the linguistic data discovered anthropology. View of life (which is reflected in the behavior) is used as a factor cause variations in language, especially aspects of vocabulary and structure. This seems among others in the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Anthropological approach objects naturalistically. Anthropology trying entering the "settings" before it entered the study with observations rapport participatory. This method is utilized by the sociolinguistic order to find data language accurately once found pemengaruhnya factors in detail. Inside there Atropologi principles of development and change. This principle transferred into the sociolinguistic so came the term kronolek, tempolek, and the taboo terms in sociolinguistics. Anthropology also provides the concept about the structure of culture and cultural transformai to sociolinguistics. This was demonstrated by the emergence of the term grandfather (because of the concept and tribute to grandparents as parents who have a nature and position great), and simbok (as parents who can complement and provide perfection or tombok). Culture in anthropology conveyed through language, thereby there must be a communicative abilities. This principle was taken by sociolinguistic. Similarly, cultural knowledge acquired in conjunction with language acquisition, such as greeting, use of language in context. Through this anything can be known how that culture lives in a society full with the values of philosophy that developed in it. Language in use for expressing cultural anthropology. With Thus, what is considered important, it must be highlighted. In a community found a variety of terms, according to the level of culture. In Egypt for example, there are 500 vocabulary for the lions, 200 words for snake, 80 words for honey, and 4644 words for camel. Similarly, in Javanese culture highlight the flavors (up there rumangsa term can be rumangsa lan) has enough many affective vocabulary adjective, such as sadness, difficulty, ngenes, miserable, sad, wedi, crazy,

E.        Sociolinguistic relationship with Psychology
At the time of Chomsky, linguistics began to be associated with.  psychological and viewed as a science is not independent. Furthermore, Chomsky says (1974) that linguistic knowledge is not a stand-alone. Linguistics is part of the psychology in the way of human thinking. Chomsky's view of language as a unity of two elements, namely competence and performance. Competence is an element in the language (deep structure) and place the speakers of the language of psychiatric terms, while competence is visible element of parole. Thus, Chomsky's view that language is not a single symptom. but influenced by psychological factors of native speakers. Chomsky also began to explore the meaning although eventually admitted that the meaning is the most difficult areas in the study of linguistics. What about the structure proposed in Chomsky and the outer structure sociolinguistic as a guideline used by the speech that appear really just a manifestation of psychosis in terms of native speakers. Further sociolinguistic open ourselves to examine the differences in narrative form. The link between competence and performance can be seen from the use of language speakers. The man is said to have competence and good performance when can use different variations of language appropriate to the situation. A person who has both certainly had a good competency, and allows extensive use of code (elaborated code). Conversely, people who competence low, it would appear the code is limited (restricted code). In developmental psychology there is a phase of development. began to cry (Crying aims: hunger, cold, fear), stomach, sitting, crawling, and walking. All of them followed or in line with linguistic development. In sociolinguistic, it was adopted as a variation of language speakers in terms of age, (People studying languages in accordance with the level of development). Therefore also known variations in language teens and seniors. From the point of psychology, men in general have a different psychiatric with women. Therefore, what they tell a well is not the same. Sociolinguistic transfer this concept, thus came the term of language variation based on the genus or sex (see "Language and Gender").

Summing up, in addition to their unmatched organizational contributions to the development of sociolinguistics and the sociology of language, Charles Ferguson and Joshua Fishman have each staked out pioneering claims to major sectors of the study of language in its social context. How important are they to contemporary sociolinguistics? A citation search using Google Scholar shows that Fishman has many more hits than Ferguson, mainly for books (Reversing Language Shift tops the list; among his papers, a 2007 paper on Whorf is the most cited, with over 100 hits). Most of Ferguson’s hits are papers, starting with over 1000 for diglossia, followed by 260 for baby talk, 140 for foreigner talk, and 100 for politeness. Fishman’s topics and methods have perhaps produced more followers, in particular with the political relevance of language loyalty and loss. Many scholars working on these topics are in the field of education, while Ferguson’s followers are more strictly in the narrower field of sociolinguistics. Additionally, the strength of Fishman’s following is shown in the large number of tributes in festschrifts and birthday celebratory conferences. Perhaps this is a mark of his longer publication list; it also reflects the fact that he has continued to develop his ideas and approach, while Ferguson’s strength was in innovative recognition of topics of sociolinguistic relevance. Obviously, there is no point in trying to award grades; each has made (and Fishman continues to make) major contributions to studies of language in society. Without their scholarship and leadership, the field would have been thinner and weaker.
Sociolinguistics is the study of the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations, and context, on the way language is used, and the effects of language use on society. Based on that sentence, we can conclude that sociolinguistic has a big deal with another discipline. Since sociolinguistic studies about the language use in society and its feature, it will create a relation with another field.
Sociolinguistic has a relation with Psychology field if we see a language use through psychological aspect that affect the language user; perception, cognition, attention, emotion, phenomenology, motivation, brain functioning, personality, behavior, and interpersonal relationships. All of those features is also learned in Sociolinguistic.
Sociolinguistic also has a big deal with linguistic. Since sociolinguistic is a branch of linguistic, both of them can’t be separated. Linguistic, as the core of the entire field that learns about language, is the scientific study of human language can be broadly broken into three categories or subfields of study: language form, language meaning, and language in context. Language in its broader context includes evolutionary linguistics, which considers the origins of language; historical linguistics, which explores language change; sociolinguistics, which looks at the relation between linguistic variation and social structures; psycholinguistics, which explores the representation and function of language in the mind; neurolinguistics, which looks at language processing in the brain; language acquisition, how children or adults acquire language; and discourse analysis, which involves the structure of texts and conversations. Since Sociolinguistic is a part of linguistic, it also has a relation with pragmatic; a subfield of linguistics which studies the ways in which context contributes to meaning. But one thing that make both of them difference is about the scope of study. Sociolinguistic has a larger scope of study than pragmatic. But, they can’t be separated, because the Pragmatic act is always happen is the society. That is why both of them have a close relationship.
Sociolinguistic and anthropology has a close relationship. Both of them like a two side of coin; different but still in one line. Anthropology with its field, Social Anthropology and Linguistic anthropology, took a part in Sociolinguistic field. Social anthropology, studies how contemporary human beings behave in social groups, and Linguistic anthropology, the interdisciplinary study of how language influences social life, which has correlation with the sociolinguistic field in scope of linguistic and society side.
Sociolinguistics and sociology has a big deal toward the society. Sociolinguistic studies the effect of any and all aspects of society on the way language is used, and the effects of language use on society. In the other hand, sociology studies the society itself. That is why Sociolinguistic has a big deal with sociology, because from the etymology of the sociolinguistic is formed from two word which is blended; society and linguistic.



2 Desember 2011

mulai detik ini sampai batas waktu yang tidak ditentukan, saya menyatakan perang dengan applikasi chating di mobile phone!

DAN JUGA BEBERAPA APPLIKASI CHATING LAINNYA!! (yang kagak bisa ke sebut! soale ane tahunya cuma 3 applikasi diatas!)
 biarlah saya di anggap gaptek atau apa! yang penting saya tidak kehilangan orang yang saya sayangi karena saya (dianggap akan) menyalah-gunakan applikasi chating diatas untuk hal-hal yang tidak penting! dan saya juga tidak mau di panggil autis karena ke-asik-an chating!
Sekian deklarasi perang terhadap beberapa applikasi chating diatas, mulai detik ini sampai batas waktu yang tidak ditentukan, applikasi-applikasi tersebut diatas (dan juga applikasi chating yang lain) SANGAT TERLARANG! untuk di INSTAL di mobile phone saya!

2 Desember 2011


Come back to my blog

28 November 2011

(masuk mengendap-endap, melihat kanan kiri, terlihat banyak banget rumah spiderman, terlihat sesekali juga si batman terbang kesana kemari)
Wow! blog aku udah lama banget tak tersentuh jemariku yang semuanya terlihat seperti jempol ini :)
(membersihkan sarang spiderman)
Setelah lama vakum di dunia per-blog-an, kali ini saya kembali ke dunia ini, dunia yang sangat butuh belaian tangan orang-orang rajin ngetik yang punya banyak waktu luang dan juga kemauan untuk nulis :)
(mengusir Batman yang pada terbang kesana kemari)
Ternyata masih banyak juga orang yang tak sengaja ataupun sengaja membuka blog aku ini..
ada kurang lebih 21680 visitors :)
Liat gambar!

jumlah viewer yang lumayan untuk ukuran blog yang tidak begitu penting :)
(melihat kekanan dan kekiri, membersihkan sisa-sisa kotoran yang masih menempel di blog)
Oh ya guys, banyak banget hal yang pengen aku ceritakan, mulai dari si eit yang sekarang udah berumur 22 tahun pas 8 October kemarin :)
masih inget, scene pagi itu ketika aku datang ke rumah eit, pagi buta membawa kue ulang tahun untuknya, dan dengan hanya 1 buah lilin diatas kue ultah tersebut :) black forest :) HUTAN HITAM!
dan munculah eit dari dalam kamarnya, masih belek-an, berbaju biru, rambutnya masih acak-acakan :)
the greatest morning ever :)

banyak banget hal tentang cinta yang sudah terlewati antara aku dan eit (instrument TITANIC)
beberapa hari yang lalu eit juga sempet bawain makanan ke kontrakan aku :)
(nyiapin sesajen buat bersihin setan dan kuntilanak yang masih pada dugem di blog aku)
Oh ya! sekarang aku nge-kontrak guys! di jalan pagu indah :)
satu kamar ukuran "cukup-buat-tidur" dengan harga IDR.1.450.000 untuk satu tahun :) (poto menyusul)
lumayan murah :)
daripada mesti nge-kos :)
yang kamarnya cuma seukuran "cukup-buat-melungker"
Oh ya! (lagi) sekarang aku lagi PPL.. PPL stand for Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan.. deskripsi singkat tentang PPL, kita sebagai mahasiswa di suruh untuk terjun ke lapangan (pake parasut) dan kita di suruh motongin rumput yang ada di lapangan (waka-waka..emoticon ngakak-guling-guling-salto-handstand-abis gitu boker)
 Oh ya! (lagi)(lagi) dua hari kedepan (tanggal 30 November) aku udah ujian PPL, semoga saja lancar, aman terkendali dan dapet nilai bagus :) (amien amien amien ya korban kelamin)
 Oh yes! (daripada "Oh ya!") selamat tahun baru islam ya guys! 1 Muharam :)

cukup sekian saja dulu ya guys untuk posting kali ini, semoga bisa posting lebih "rajin" lagi :)
dan buat eit :)
semoga besok ujian PPL e lencar :)

note :
-if there is a "DANG" there is a "DUT"

Puasa Hari Ke-9

9 Agustus 2011

Selamat siang semuanya.. :) gimana kabarnya?? aku ucapin selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa yaaa.. bagi yang menjalankan (tentunya...)
wew.. walaupun puasa baru memasuki hari ke-9, tapi blog aku udah mulai puasa posting sejak 22 hari yang lalu..hehehehe
maklumlah, akhir2 ni intensitas postinganku jadi agak kacau, yah karena banyak banget yang mesti di lakukan, dan parahnya, aku menambah satu blog lagi yang mesti aku maintenance.. padahal udah ada 9 blog yang aku pegang, tapi masih niat juga buat nambah satu lagi.. akhirnya, blog pribadiku sendirilah yang jadi korban.. hehehe.. jadi jarang posting... hehehehe
walaupun demikian (ceileh) aku masih sering kok buka blog ini, yah walaupun hanya sekedar melihat berapa jumlah traffic yang masuk di blog ku ini.. :)
dan ternyata, thanks god, udah ada hampir 12554 viewers yang tidak sengaja maupun sengaja KHILAF membuka blog aku ini.. hehehehe.. semoga amal ibadah mereka diterima di sisi Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.. Amien.. :)
Here is the evidence.. 12554 orang khilaf telah melihat blog aku ini.. hehehe

Itu screenshot yang terakhir aku ambil pas aku lagi nulis postingan ini.. :)
semoga saja mereka di ampuni dosa mereka karena sudah tidak sengaja mengunjungi blog ini.. hehehe
next story,
ada beberapa hal penting yang terjadi di awal bulan puasa tahun 2011 ini..
here is the log;
tanggal 6 dan 7 agustus, aku buka puasa dirumahnya.. tika, my_lovely_eit :)
sedikit canggung sih, cz kebiasaan jelekku tu gak bisa di ilangin... makanku banyaaak banget, abis makan langsung pamit minta pulang.. hehehe.. parah dah.. tapi aku suka kok buka dirumah eit :)
2 hari itu aku antar jemput dia karena, pada tanggal 6, dia ada uas drama, dan aku gak mau dia pulang kerumah dengan keadaan capek, maka dari itu aku putuskan untuk meng-antar jemput dia :)
nah, di tanggal 7 Agustusnya, aku dan pakandayu 2011 ngadain jualan takjil di alun2 madiun, nah kebetulan si tika juga mau konsultasi artikel ke mam fida, jadi gak ada salahnya kalau dia barengan aja sama aku :) gitu.. :)
Oh ya, maaf ya guys kalau bahasanya agak sulit dicerna, karena memang otak lagi gak pada posisinya.. lagi kesleo nih otakku :)
apalagi pegel2 di lengan kanan dan kiri, membuat aku jadi sedikit tersiksa ketika menulis postingan kali ini :-(
Itu saja dulu postingan kali ini, setidaknya aku tidak menelantarkan blogku yang sudah menjerumuskan 12554 viewers ini.. hehehe..
thanks for reading guys :)
selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa.. :)

- 83 kg.. udah puasa, berat badan kagak turun2.. paraaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! :)
- aku kangen eit.. love you so much eit :)


18 Juli 2011

Sekilas flashback beberapa minggu yang lalu..
karena memang terbatasnya waktu untuk posting, maka tidak heran jika blog ini jadi terbengkalai..
Namun tak apalah, jumlah viewer blog aku yang notabene "gak begitu penting" udah tembus 10828 views..
Sebuah rekor traffic yang lumayan untuk blog pribadi yang berisi tentang sesuatu yang TIDAK BEGITU PENTING BAGI ANDA, TAPI SANGAT PENTING BAGI SAYA.. hehehe... (sound effect suara orang tepuk tangan sambil teriak-teriak)
Oh ya, posting kali ini aku mau nyeritain sedikit tentang KARANTINA kakang mbakyu kota madiun 2011 yang udah aku lewatin beberapa minggu yang lalu, semoga flashback aku masih se-akurat kejadian yang terjadi pada saat itu..

Hari pertama KARANTINA...Kalau denger kata KARANTINA, yang terlintas di pikiranku pertama kali adalah segala sesuatu yang menyangkut tentang penyakit berbahaya, such as FLU BURUNG. Tapi kata KARANTINA disini jauh berbeda dengan apa yang ada di pikiranku..
KARANTINA kakang mbakyu kota madiun bener-bener saat-saat yang sangat indah (walaupun sempat terjadi beberapa accident yang sedikit berbau pressing dari para senior). Di masa itu, saya bisa merasakan bagaimana kekompakan sesama finalis mulai terbangun, mulai akrab, dan mulai merasa menjadi satu.. SATU KELUARGA..
Agenda hari pertama adalah OUTBOUND di ARBORETUM. Menurut Pak Suyitno (tentor kita saat itu) OUTBOUND tidak hanya suatu kegiatan fisik yang dilakukan di alam terbuka. OUTBOUND yang kita lakukan saat itu adalah segala sesuatu yang tidak biasa kita lakukan sehari-hari alias OUT of BOUNdaries...
Kegiatan di mulai pukul 07.00 WIB., dan Thanks god! I'm late! aku telat! gak lama sih, cuma 5 menit..
tapi yang namanya telat, tetep aja telat, no excuse for the late.. :)
Berikut ini adalah beberapa kegiatan yang aku dan ke-sembilan belas-finalis lakukan di hari pertama KARANTINA..
1. Relaksasi (kita dengerin instrument, disuruh memejamkan mata, kemudian mendengarkan apa yang dikatakan instruktornya)
2. Games menggambar wajah dan mengenali gambar wajah temen yang lain (kita di suruh gambar wajah kita sendiri, kemudian gambar itu di acak dan kita disuruh untuk mengenali gambar wajah siapa yang ada di depan kita)
3. Games Joget Gak Karuan (kita mesti joget, dan sebisa mungkin untuk mengikuti perintah dari instruktor, misalnya "JOGET BER-DUA!" itu artinya kita harus joget berpasangan, dan banyak commands lainnya yang membuat kita lumayan capek dan haus. Games ini di menangkan oleh pasangan homo PIUS dan AJI..wkakakkaa..mereka berdua dapet kaos warna orange, yang keliatannya gak bakal cukup di badan mereka sendiri.. hehehe)
4. Games NYALA HIDUP LAMPU (untuk games kali ini, finalis ter-Bengal adalah si satrio sadewo! dialah finalis terakhir yang bisa menangkap pesan yang ada di games ini.. sungguh.. TERLALU...)
5. Games ARBORETUM (kita di suruh ngumpulin 7 Pohon dan daun, 7 Benda Alam, 7 Warna Alam, 7 Suara alam dan kemudian menjadikannya sebuah PUISI.. hadeeeeeeeeeeh..cuuuuuuuuuus deh pokoknya..)
6. Games Membuat kelompok dengan nama tempat wisata di Madiun (ada dua kelompok, PAKUNCEN dan INKA d'SPECIAL ONE.. masing2 mewakili objek wisata yang ada di kota madiun... dan hasilnya.. untuk yel2 dimenangkan PAKUNCEN, untuk lagu di menangkan INKA untuk logo di menangkan PAKUNCEN..dan sisanya.. aye udah lupaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. hahahhaa)

banyak hal yang bisa diceritakan dalam hari pertama karantina kali ini.. tapi karena saat ini (pas lagi nulis note ini) aku belum mandi, dan masih banyak kerjaan yang harus dilakukan, aku putuskan untuk mengakhiri note aku sampai disini, terimakasih buat semuanya yang mau dengan KHILAF membaca posting ini, semoga amal ibadah saudara diterima oleh tuhan yang maha esa.. amien..hehehehe

-buat EIT, keep positive thinking.. Just believe me,,
itetep semangat ya sayaang..
Tetaplah mencoba..
i love you.. I love you so much..


5 Juli 2011

Gak kebayang sama sekali dalam hidupku kalau aku bisa menjadi finalist kakang mbakyu kota madiun 2011.
berawal dari beberapa minggu yang lalu, ketika saat itu Satria (anak BEM di kampusku) nge-sms aku untuk ikut pemilihan kakang mbakyu kota madiun 2011. Pada awalnya, aku sama sekali tidak berminat untuk mengikuti event ini, tapi dalam lubuk hatiku yang terdalam ada sebuah kalimat yang perlahan-lahan memenuhi otakku. Sebuah kalimat yang simple tapi sangat sakti ;
Ya, kalimat itulah yang menjadi sebuah whip yang melecutku (cieh, melecut! hahahha) untuk tetap mencoba. aku mulai mencari persyaratan yang di butuhkan. Dan walah.. akhirnya terkumpul semua persyaratannya. Aku dan beberapa ekor temanku akhirnya datang ke DESPERINDAGKOPAR kota madiun. Aku, Dilla Giovani, Bintang, Triyoko, Galah dan pasangannya mendaftarkan diri menjadi peserta seleksi kakang mbakyu kota madiun.Tentu saja seijin eitten. Dan dia pun mengijinkannya.
Beberapa hari berselang, tiba saatnya untuk tes tulis dan tes talent. Tes tulis terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu tes pengetahuan umum, tes kepariwisataan, dan tes bahasa Inggris. dan alhamdulilah ketiga tahap itu aku lalui dengan se-kena-nya. Kucoba jawab se-bisa-nya supaya dapet hasil se-baik-baik-nya.
setelah selesai dengan tes tulis, dilanjutkan dengan tes talent. banyak sekali talent yang muncul di tes talent tersebut dan semuanya keren-keren. 
Ada yang menari, menyanyi (dengan ataupun tanpa musik) dan ada juga yang memeperagakan pencak silat, taekwondo dan yang lain. Dan pada saat itu, aku mencoba untuk menampilkan talentku, yang merupakan satu-satunya hal yang paling aku bisa, yaitu bermain keyboard. aku coba membawakan lagu dari vierra yang berjudul rasa ini dengan sedikit menggubah bagian intronya dengan menambahkan instrumen buatanku sendiri.
Keesokkan harinya di lanjutkan dengan tes wawancara, tes di mulai pukul 08.00 WIB. dan beruntungnya aku mendapatkan kelompok 8 yang notabene kelompok terkahir dalam urutan tes wawancara. aku masih ingat satu pertanyaan yang tidak bisa aku jawab dengan baik, yaitu seputar kepariwisataan. pertanyaan itu adalah, apakah SAPTA PESONA PARIWISATA?
dan (dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeng..sound effect) aku gak bisa ngejawabnya..
untuk itu, aku akan menyantumkan apa saja SAPTA PESONA PARIWISATA
  1. Keamanan
  2. Ketertiban
  3. Kebersihan
  4. Kesejukan
  5. Keindahan
  6. Keramahan
  7. Kenangan 
nah, dengan demikian, saya atau aku atau ME akan bisa menghafalkan SAPTA PESONA PARIWISATA dengan baik. 
well, kemarin (4 Juli 2011) PENGUMUMAN TIME!!!!!
aku pergi ke DESPERINDAGKOPAR kota madiun barengan Eit ( yang lagi puasa senyum)  untuk melihat apakah aku lolos atau tidak ke tahap berikutnya? dan wlah, aku lolos, sebuah cobaan atau kan sebuah keajaiban? karena ternyata PUJI TUHAN aku lolos.
awalnya tidak aku lihat nama atau nomor ku di papan pengumuman (karena memang papan pengumuman yang aku liat adalah pengumuman untuk mbakyu yang lolos)
dan eit pun bertanya ke aku
EIT:"lha kamu nomor berapa sih?"
EIT:"lha itu ada lo nomormu..(sambil menunjuk ke arah kertas pengumuan yang ada disebelah kanan kertas pengumuman mbakyu)
EDI:"(melongo..tidak percaya sama sekali..)

dan walah, akhirnya, seorang EDY bisa lolos Kakang mbakyu kota madiun tahun 2011..
terimakasih yang pertama untuk TUHAN YME karena telah memberikan aku kesempatan untuk ikut KAKANG MBAKYU KOTA MADIUN 2011..
terimakasih yang kedua untuk EIT yang terus menerus memotivasi aku, terus mendukung setiap langkahku, terus menjadi semangat dalam hidupku.. makasih ya sayaang :)

Behind every man's success, there is a woman.

Di pagi kali ini, (sambil nunggu jam 10) aku mau memposting sesuatu yang sedang aku rasakan sekarang dan beberapa hari yang lalu dan mungkin sampai beberapa waktu bahkan tahun kedepan.

sesuai dengan judul posting kali ini, bahwa disetiap kesuksesan seorang pria, pasti ada wanita hebat yang mendukungnya. aku punya wanita hebat yang terus selalu mendukungku dan terus menjadi motivasiku, menjadi nafasku.

wanita itu cantik (tapi dia tidak pernah merasa dia cantik, bahkan seringkali dia merasa jelek)
wanita itu hebat (tapi dia tidak pernah merasa hebat, dia selalu minder dengan seluruh kemampuan yang dia punya, padahal kemampuan yang dia punya itu luar biasa)
wanita itu segalanya bagiku (mungkin terlihat berlebihan bagi kalian yang MEMBACA, tapi tidak buatku yang MERASAKANnya)

TRI KARTIKA WATI itulah wanita yang selama ini jadi motivasiku, yang jadi semangatku untuk tetap DO THE BEST! :)
hampir setahun aku dan dia pacaran, dan hampir seluruh food and beverage di kota madiun pernah aku makan sama dia (karena memang kami berdua sama-sama punya hobi kuliner)

Jujur (gak lebai) hari-hariku jadi lebih indah bersamanya. Kita pernah jatuh dari motor bareng, maen ke jogja bareng, dapet beasiswa bareng, tapi BELUM PERNAH eek bareng (toh memang waktu kebeletnya gak barengan)
dan parahnya, makin hari aku makin sayaang sama dia, aku takut kalau senyumnya hilang (seperti kemarin, Senin 4 Juli 2011), dan yang paling aku takutin, kalau dia pergi dengan seseorang yang jauh lebih mapan daripada aku..
memang, aku masih belum punya pekerjaan tetap, belum punya penghasilan linier, dan bisa dikatakan belum mapan,
aku takut ke-belum-mapan-an ku ini akan menjadi alasan baginya meninggalkanku.
karena pada dasarnya aku ingin dia bersabar, karena pada saatnya nanti (ketika aku sudah mapan, mapan segalanya) aku akan meng-engage-dia.. seperti relationship status kami di FB.
Relationship di FB itu bukanlah untuk mainan, karena hati memang bukan untuk di permainkan.
Oh ya, btw, terimakasih kepada Tuhan karena telah memberiku kesempatan untuk menjadi FINALIST kakang mbakyu kota madiun 2011. Pada dasarnya ini adalah sebuah ujian bagiku dariNYA. mampukanh aku me-manage waktuku? mampukah aku membuktikan bahwa aku memang bisa?
semoga aku bisa mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik sesuai usaha yang aku lakukan. 

semoga TRI KARTIKA WATI tetap terus menemaniku dalam masa sulit dan bahagia dalam hidupku.
terimakasih Tuhan untuk setiap pengalaman hidup yang telah aku dapatkan, terimakasih Tuhan untuk kesalahan masa lalu ku sehingga aku menjadi seperti sekarang ini,

I love you eit.. 
love you so much..

-use your time well (selalu dan selalu aku katakan pada diriku sendiri, tapi sampai sekarang masih bermasalah dengan managing waktu)


19 Juni 2011

Selamat pagi semuanya.. :)
akhirnya, aku akhir i puasa posting ku :)
hari ini setelah makan pagi nasi pecel, niat postingku semakin menjadi :)
sebenarnya sih dari kemarin udah pengen banget posting, tapi kebetulan kecapekan karena habis nganter EIT :)
Kemarin, EIT hampir seharian maen sama aku :)
mulai dari siang sampe malem jam 8.. dan parahnya, sekarang aku udah kangen sama dia :-(
yah itulah penyakit yang sering melanda orang pacaran adalah KANGEN..
Penyakit yang mana ingin bertemu dengan belahan hati (cieeeeeeeeeeeee... )
OH ya guys, sekedar ngasih tau lagi, setelah sekian lama gak posting, sekarang berat badanku jadi 85 kg.. (God damned!!)
jadi bisa di simpulkan, kalau kalian semua gak pengen gemuk, rajin-rajinlah posting!! (kesimpulan yang buruk...)
dan ngomong-ngomong lagi, hari ini adalah hari permulaanku untuk diet, semoga aku bisa dapet 73 atau 75 kg.. soalnya dengan tinggi 183 dan berat 85 kg, itu kurang ideal (kata pak dokter yang kemarin meriksa aku buat dapeting surat keterangan sehat.. )
thanks guys for reading.. :)
jangan lupa exercise supaya badan tetep sehat dan berat badan terjaga.. n keep posting! :)

- Miss you much EIT :-* (emoticon cium)
 buruan sarapan ya sayaang.. :)
gak usah takut gemuk, takut LAPER aja.. :)

postingan saat kuliah translation

7 Juni 2011

Seharusnya sekarang ini saya memperhatikan mereka yang mau presentasi di depan. Kelompok pertama dalam presentasi translation yagn beranggotakan beberapa ekor orang. Emi, Dina, Sani, Winda, Edi Kur (kembaran saya tapi KW 1000) dan Alvi. Mumpung lagi cepet nih internet jadi harus di manfaatin. Mau nerangin keadaan kelas yang dimana sekarang saya berada didalamya.
DISAMPING KIRI : ada si evi mustika yang lagi ngerjain tugas Language testing yang notabene harus di kerjain dirumah, bukan disini. Tapi setidaknya dia jauh lebih baik daripada saya karena saya sendiri belum ngerjain itu tugas.. hehehehe
berikut ini adalah gambar si evi yang lagi sibuk ngerjain tugas language testing :
nah, bisa di liat, kalau si evi emang lagi REPOT-REPOTnya, sedangkan mbak febri macak REPOT-REPOTnya, sedangkan si erna malah membuat dirinya nampak se-PENAMPAK-PENAMPAKANnya!
itu tadi adalah kejadian yang terjadi di samping kiri saya, sedangkan untuk disamping kanan saya, ada si yupi a.k.a YUDI PRIMA(ta) yang lagi sibuk juga ngerjain language TESTIS! bukan language TESTING!! hehehehehe
berikut ini adalah gambar si YUDI PRIMA(ta) yang lagi sibuk ngerjain LANGUAGE TESTIS! :-)
Ok! sekarang saatnya Q&A section dalam presentasi kali ini, saaatnya untuk bertanya supaya dapet nilai :)
thanks for reading ya guys! :-)


2 Juni 2011

A.  Background
Samuel Barclay Beckett was an Irish avant-garde writer, playwright, theatre director, and poet. He wrote both in English and French. Beckett is widely regarded as among the most influential writers of the 20th century. Strongly influenced by James Joyce, he is considered one of the last modernists. As an inspiration to many later writers, he is also sometimes considered one of the first postmodernists. He is one of the key writers in what Martin Esslin called the "Theatre of the Absurd". His work became increasingly minimalist in his later career. Beckett was awarded the 1969 Nobel Prize in Literature "for his writing, which—in new forms for the novel and drama—in the destitution of modern man acquires its elevation". He was elected Saoi of Aosdána in 1984.
One of the most well-known Beckett work is two act play titled “Waiting For Godot”. Waiting for godot is an absurdist play which is written by Samuel Beckett which tells about two characters that wait endlessly and in vain for someone named Godot to arrive. Waiting for godot is Beckett’s English translation of his own original version titled”En attendant Godot”.  The original version is written between 9 October 1948 and 29 January 1949. The first performance was on 5 January 1953 in the Théâtre de Babylone, Paris. It was directed by Roger Blin who also played as Pozzo in that performance.


25 Mei 2011

Selamat malam guys!
waddup waddup? (aslinya nih mau bilang WHAT'S UP, tapi karena mulut lagi males, makannya yang keluar jadi WADDUP WADDUP!! hehehe)
Kali ini dengan ketek yang tingkat keasamannya tinggi, ijinkan saya untuk menulis satu atau dua kalimat di blog saya ini.. (Ibaratnya minta ijin dulu untuk boker dirumah sendiri..parah.. otak kemasukan air : mode ON)
Setelah sekian lama blog ini saya telantarkan, tanpa postingan yang jelas dan malah cenderung COPAS dari note FB saya, pada malam ini saya putuskan untuk posting! hehe :)
beberapa hari ini, kehidupanku lagi repot2nya.. parah banget repotnya.. mulai ikut lomba debat sampai harus ngurusin sandal jebat.. :-)\
tapi itu bukan masalah bagi saya, karena dengan kesibukan itu, saya jadi merasa bahwa..
TIDUR adalah anugerah!!
yah, beberapa hari terakhir, jadwal tidur kurang menentu, kadang hanya 4 jam, kadang kurang.. semoga saja masih diberi kesehatan oleh Tuhan..amien.. :)
OK deh, sekian saja postingan kali ini, aku mau mandi dulu, cz tiba2 aku keinget teori ASAM-BASA yang di ajarkan guru kimia ku waktu SMA dulu..
dia pernah berkata, bahwa "manusia mandi itu bertujuan untuk menetralkan tingkat keasaman yang ada di kulit.. nah, caranya, kita harus mandi pake sabun, karena sabun mengandung BASA.. BASA lah yang bisa menetralkan ASAM yang ada di kulit manusia..."
Nah, karena sabda di atas lah, saya putuskan untuk segera mengakhiri postingan ini dan sesegera mungkin mandi :)
thanks for reading this fvkin garbage! hehehe.. semoga anda LEMAS dan saya PUAS!! :)

- EIT salah mendarat! :)
boleh donk diulang lagi SALAH MENDARATnya.. :)
love you eit muach muach muach.. (usaha mentransfer BAU badan via Internet..)

NOTE FACEBOOKQ : Jika Aku Menjadi.. (Episode X-Men)

12 Mei 2011

Jika Aku Menjadi.. (Episode X-Men)

by Eddy Loveitten on Tuesday, 20 October 2009 at 00:26
Jika aku menjadi salah satu mutant anggota X-Men, aku akan ngelakuin hal-hal sebagai berikut:

1. Jika aku jadi ALBERT XAVIER,

Akan aku gunain kekuatan membaca pikiranku untuk membaca pikiran dari Dosen-dosenku. Akan aku manipulasi pikiran merekan semua agar mau ngasih aku nilai A pada setiap matkulku.... hahaha.. Kalau untuk urusan cari cewek, juga gak jauh beda.. aku akan menentukan mangsaku dulu. Kalau nti udah ketemu, aku baca pikirannya, mau gak dia ma aku. kalo gak mau, aku akan melakukan hal yang sama. akan aku manipulasi otaknya agar selalu memikirkan aku..dan membuatnya mau mencintaiku..hahahaha..dengan gitu, dia pasti jatuh cintrong ma akyu....hehehe..

2. Jika aku jadi STORM.

Storm adalah mutant yang bisa merubah cuaca. Hal pertama yang aku lakuin adalah membuat suasana kota caruban jadi dingin, biar orang2 betah tinggal disini. Kalau udah gitu, aku nglamar pekerjaan ke BMG, biar tiap kali ada gempa atau ada cuaca buruk, aku bisa menyelamatkan ribuan nyawa yang tidak seharusnya mati sia-sia.

3. JIka aku menjadi MAGNETTO.

Seperti yang kalian tahu, magneto adalah mutant yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengendalikan logam. dengan kemampuan itu, aku akan membuka perusahaan yang bekerja dibidang pembangunan. bisa pembangunan gedung, ataupun infrastruktur yang lain. kalo misalnya aku punya kemampuan itu, akan kubangun jembatan yang menghubungkan antara madiun dan new york dengan tanganku sendiri. dan kunamai jembatan itu jembatan E-dimadu-mau-enggak..hahahaha... kan jauh lebih hemat, jauh lebih efisien dan juga hemat waktu..hahahaha

4. yang terakhir dan yang paling aku suka,, jika aku menjadi WOLVERINE,

as you know wolverin punya 6 pisau yang bisa keluar dari tangannya. kalau aku juga bisa kayak dia, akan aku gunain tu pisau buat nyukur rambut! akan aku buka SALON EDYVERINE! dengan slogan "POTONG RAMBUT ANDA SEKARANG JUGA! ATAU KEPALA ANDA YANG AKAN KEPOTONG!" Keren kan?

Note: yang paling penting adalah jadi diri sendiri.. karena tiap manusia memang ditakdirkan berbeda satu sama lainnya.. gak ada manusia yang sempurna,. tapi.. tidak ada mahluk tuhan,, yang sesempurna manusia.. :)