Regional Dialect and Social Dialect
of Gambler Community in Freedom Studio Music Caruban
is a developing town. A lot of people from around East Java come to this town.
They come to the Caruban for reasons, to find a job, settle a house, and more. Those
people who come to Caruban also bring their previous culture in form of
language. We can found that Caruban is not only inhabited by “the original
caruban people” (who born and live in Caruban) but also inhabited by another
people who come from another place around East Java and maybe around Indonesia.
Language is one indicator that can be used to indicate where people come from.
We know that most of Caruban people are speak Javanese. Then, how we can
determine which one is a “pure-caruban-people” and which one is “half-blood-caruban-people”?
The answer is simple (without being simplistic); we can use dialect to support
our analysis.
As we know, there are
two kind of dialect; regional dialect and social dialect. Regional dialects
involve features of pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar which differ
according to the geographical area the speakers come from. The dialect of
Surabaya people with Jember people or Caruban people is different though they
use the same language, Javanese. Prototype of Caruban people is almost same
with the Madiun’s people. That is the reason why we can use regional dialect to
find out where someone is come from. Social dialect is distinguished by feature
of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar according to the social group of the
speaker. Meanwhile, social group is usually determined by range of features,
such as education, occupation, resident area and income level. So, people who
come from different social groups speak different social dialects if the use
different words, pronunciation, and grammatical features. This thing is also
happen in Caruban. There are various kinds of social groups in this town. One
of a kind is Gambler group which exists in Freedom Studio Music Caruban. This
gambler group is consisting of people who come from around East Java. With this
reason, researcher wants to conduct a research on “Regional Dialect and Social Dialect of Gambler in Freedom Studio Music
Research Question
Based on above explanation, researcher has two
research questions in this study that will give guidance in conducting this
research as follows;
Is there any feature of
regional dialect which is used by the gambler in Freedom studio music Caruban?
Is there any feature of
social dialect which is used by the gambler in Freedom studio music Caruban?
Goals and Objectives
Researcher has goals to answer all the question
of this research as follows;
to prove that there are
features of regional dialect used by the gambler in Freedom studio music
to prove that there are
features of social dialect which is used by the gambler in Freedom studio music
Limitation of the Study
researcher limits this study on the pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar of
Regional Dialect and Social Dialect
Language Varieties
It is very natural that
two persons from the same speech community, for example the East Java, seem to
use a little bit different pronunciation and even grammar in their
communication. They actually use the Javanese language as they are still able
to understand each other. The differences in pronunciation and grammar of a
language do not lead to the existence of two distinct languages, but they are
only varieties of a language. Variety can be defined as a set of linguistic
items including pronunciation, words, and grammar with similar distribution
associated with geographical or social factors. According to Wardhaugh, variety
is defined in terms of a specific set of linguistic items or human speech
patterns presumably, sound, words, and grammatical features which can uniquely
associate with some external factors presumably a geographical area or a social
group (Wardhaugh, 2006: 22).
The Javanese language
that is geographically used by the people from East Java and Central Java varies
according to the users’ regions and social classes. Seen from the region where
the people stay, Javanese language has several varieties. For most people from
East Java, the language they use is partially characterized by the sound /ó/ dominance
(different pronunciation), low style, vocabulary, grammar, and no honorifics.
This variety is named as ngoko biasa as in kowé mangan opo? (What are you eating?); In the
other hand, the people who live in the central Java, their language is
partially characterized by the sound /a/ dominance (different pronunciation),
low and high style, vocabulary, grammar, and low and high honorifics. This
variety is called as ngoko sae/madya and kromo as in sampéjan
maem nopo? (What are you eating). For the people who have a higher
social class, the language is partially characterized by the high style and
honorifics as in panjenengan dahar menópó (What are you eating).This
variety is called krama inggil. Javanese
social status is reflected not just in choice of linguistic forms but also in
the particular combination of forms which each social group customarily uses,
i.e. the varieties or stylistic levels that together make up the group’s
distinctive dialect. as the word “you” can be said in three different way (kowé,
sampéjan, pandjenengan), the word “eat” can be said in three different
words (mangan, maem, dahar), another example which taken from Geertz in
Holmes, is the word “now” which said in three different Javanese word (Saiki,
Saniki, Samenika)
The varieties of a
language that differ in some of pronunciation, words, and grammars from the
others are known as dialect. Hudson in Wardhaugh defines a variety of
language as ‘a set of linguistic items with similar distribution,’ A
variety can therefore be something greater than a single language as well as
something less, less even than something traditionally referred to as a
dialect. The dialect which is associated with regional factors is called regional
dialect. Regional dialects involve features of pronunciation, vocabulary,
and grammar which differ according to the geographical area the speakers come
from. The other one which is associated with social class status is known as social
dialect. Social dialect is distinguished by feature of pronunciation,
vocabulary and grammar according to the social group of the speaker. Those two
things above highly affected by social class and social status. Teacher does
not talk like office cleaners, lawyers do not speak in the same way as the
gambler did. People from different social class and social status speak
Pronunciation as part
of Regional Dialect used by the Gambler
“Edy ketok é ra tau main yo uaaaangél
lo, tenan!…”
people often use longer vowel in a word to create comparative and sometime
hyperbole meaning toward the word pronounced. For example, the word “angél” (Difficult) which pronounced “uangéééél” has a same meaning with “more
difficult” or “uaaaaanguuuuél” has a
same meaning with “most difficult”. Degrees of comparison in Madiun people are
indicated with the stretch of the vowel inside a word.
Most difficult
Table 1
the feature of regional dialect, pronunciation also bring grammatical rule.
This is happen on the Madiun people speech. From the table one, we could see
that the word “angél” which is
pronounced in different way will creates another meaning, in this case will
showing the degrees of comparison. This thing is only happen in Madiun people
and in several places near Madiun. Caruban which is very close with Madiun is
highly affected with this pronunciation. Some people in Caruban often use this
pronunciation in their speech. Regional
variation in the way a language is spoken is likely to provide one of the
easiest ways of observing variety in language.
Accent as part of Regional
Dialect used by the Gambler
“Biasane wes tau menang tapi gak tau nóthók yo gak skill aku…”
bold-italicized word commonly pronounced “nuthók” by some people in Caruban and
Madiun region. But here, the researcher found that the word “nuthók” is
pronounced “Nóthók”. This word is pronounced by a man named Gunawan. The
researcher tries to find out who Gunawan is. Then the researcher found several
facts about Gunawan. Gunawan comes from outside of Caruban and Madiun region.
He comes from Jombang. That is the reason why the word “nuthók” is pronounced
“Nóthók”. People in the Eastern part of East java sometimes replace the vowel
“u” with “ó” (see table 2). This is proving that regional dialect is a massive
thing that cannot be replaced easily by exposing a new dialect in new place.
Researcher gets a fact that Gunawan had live in Caruban for 2 years but his
accent never change. His “Eastern East Java accent” still exists in every
speech he made.
part of East Java
part of East Java
Table 2
Word or vocabulary as
part of Social Dialect used by the Gambler
…Lha ngitét yo..
is another word which has same meaning with “Njupuk” “Njikuk” (take). But the
word “ngitét” is only used in gambling. The word “ngitét” can be said as the
register in this social group (community of gambler). That word is rarely used
in a daily life. That word is not interchangeable like the word “Njupuk” which
can replace the word “Njikuk”. Here is the example;
1. Aku
wes njupuk kartu
2. Aku
wes njikuk kartu
3. Aku
wes ngitét kartu
have already take the card
1. Aku
wes njupuk mobil
2. Aku
wes njikuk mobil
3. Aku
wes ngitét mobil*
have already take the car
Table 3
sentence is not acceptable because of selectional restriction.
The word “ngitét” is
neither a register nor slang. That word is a variety of the word “njupuk”. The
existence of this word is due to the social dialect. This social group (gambler
community) uses this word in a card game. In a different social group, the word
“ngitét” sometimes never be used.
As we have seen,
many varieties of language exist and each language exists in a number of
guises. However, languages do not vary in every possible way. It is still quite
possible to listen to an individual speaker and infer very specific things
about that speaker after hearing relatively little of his or her speech. The
interesting problem is accounting for our ability to do that.
The existence of
different varieties is interesting in still another respect. While each of us
may have productive control over only a very few varieties of a language, we
can usually comprehend many more varieties and relate all of these to the
concept of a ‘single language.’ That is, our receptive linguistic
ability is much greater than our productive linguistic ability. An
interesting problem for linguists is knowing how best to characterize this
‘knowledge’ that we have which enables us to recognize something as being in
the language but yet marked as ‘different’ in some way.
Ronald (2006) An Introduction to
Sociolinguistic (Fifth Edition); Blackwell Publishing
Janet; An Introduction to Sociolinguistic
(Second Edition); Longman
is taken on Wednesday, 4th January 2012 between 22:13 pm until 22.27
pm. Original data is in video mp4 format file which is taken by using Samsung
GT B3210. Video’s duration is 14 minutes and 29 seconds.
-Ini saya posting hanya untuk tujuan pendidikan saja :) supaya teman-teman jadi tambah referensinya :) bukan untuk di jiplak :)
-Ini saya posting hanya untuk tujuan pendidikan saja :) supaya teman-teman jadi tambah referensinya :) bukan untuk di jiplak :)
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